Healthcare Immigration Experts Ghana

Nurse Specialized Agency in Henderson

Healthcare Immigration Experts Ghana LLC is a nurse employment and immigration agency located in Henderson Nevada and office at Taifa Accra. We are dedicated to... Learn more

How To Qualify & Immigrate

There are some requirements for professionals to start their legal careers in the USA. First, the nurse must hold a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree, must ... Learn more

You Are Needed

We hope you've heard of the nurse shortage in the USA? We are sure you've wondered how you can go to the USA and practice nursing? Well, your answer is here. On... Learn more

Why Choose Us

  • 24/7 availability
  • Black-owned
  • Reviews

    Kwabena Boateng

    2 years ago


    Areas Covered


    Opening Hours

    All day
    All day
    All day
    All day
    All day
    All day
    All day

    Apply For A Job In the US!

    Application form Contact us with any questions about the immigration process and how to apply for work. You are needed in the USA. Use the application Link Below: